Father's Day marks the celebration of the birthday of the country's oldest ruling monarch. Read on to know more on celebrating Father's Day in Thailand.

Father's Day in Thailand

Nothing can be as fulfilling and gratifying as the feeling of fatherhood, no feeling as great as holding one's child in one's arm and seeing him grow up into an able man someday. Being a father entails world's greatest happiness and biggest responsibility. Father's day is just a little tribute to the man, who is responsible for all our joys and feats. Father's Day is celebrated in most of the countries in the world today, though its origin can be traced to United States of America. The emotions behind these observations are same everywhere, though the day of celebration varies from country to country. Father's Day in Thailand has a special significance. Celebrated on December 5, Father's day in Thailand is used to commemorate the birthday of the current King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who is considered as the 'Father of the Nation'. The tradition of celebrating the king's birthday as Father's day was started almost two decades back, as part of the campaign by Prime Minister of Thailand Prem Tinsulanonda to promote Thailand's Royal family.

Fathers Day Celebrations in Thailand
  • The Thais observe their Father's Day by gifting their fathers and grandfathers with a Canna flower (Dok put ta ruk sa), which is considered to be a masculine flower.
  • Thai people wear yellow on Father's Day to show respect for the king. This is because yellow is the Color of the day for Monday, the day on which king Bhumibol Adulyadej was born.
  • The Thais have their own unique way of celebrating the Father's day. The schools organize special events to celebrate the day. Most of the schools put up morning shows, comprising of traditional dances and dramas and the dads are presented with flowers at the end of the event as a sign of honor and great reverence.
  • A couple of weeks prior to the Father's Day celebration, all roads, houses and shops are decorated with the elaborate displays of kings photographs and the national flag. Public buildings and lands are decorated with royal symbols and enormous golden framed photographs of the king. A guest book is placed on the entrance of every shop for the people to express their greetings to the king.
  • On the day of his birthday, the King goes to the temple to make merit to the monks. This event is televised on national TV, so that everyone can see the King honoring his religion and being blessed by the monks for a long and healthy life.
  • In the evening, free concerts are held to mark the event. Singers from all across the country perform here. With the onset of dusk, a huge candlelight ceremony takes place. All the people dressed in yellow holds a candle each to honor the king.
  • The celebration usually ends with fireworks and singing of the Thai national anthem.